刘俊 ,中国国礼特供艺术家,白石门下弟子, 写意书法创始人。1974年出生于山西原平。18岁参军,进修于解放军艺术学院,字逸修,号智远,现定居北京。师从国画大师娄师白先生,后受教于刘炳森、欧阳中石等书法名家。现为北京宣和书画艺术研究院副院长,中国国际书画研究院院士,《中国检察网》文苑艺术频道部艺术顾问,中国书法家协会会员。
Liu Jun, a special artist of Chinese national rites, is a disciple of baishimen and the founder of freehand calligraphy. Born in Yuanping, Shanxi Province in 1974. He joined the army at the age of 18 and studied in the Art College of the PLA. He is Yixiu and Zhiyuan. Now he lives in Beijing. He studied with Mr. Lou Shibai, a master of traditional Chinese painting, and was later taught by famous calligraphers such as Liu Bingsen and Ouyang Zhongshi. Now, he is vice president of Beijing Xuanhe calligraphy and painting art research institute, academician of China International Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute, art consultant of Wenyuan art channel Department of China prosecution network, and member of China Calligrapher Association.
In September 2016, Liu Jun was invited by the Ukrainian Ministry of Culture to enter the Ukrainian Presidential Palace and was received by the second President of Ukraine, Mr. Kuchma.
In July 2018, the jury of Chinese National Painting, Calligraphy and Painting was evaluated by Mr. Liu Jun as "Chinese National Ceremony Special Artist".
Visited Korea in August 2018. He was cordially received by South Korean Prime Minister Zheng Yuncan.
On November 21, His Excellency Han Shengxuan, the President of the Fifty-sixth General Assembly of the United Nations, cordially received Mr. Liu Jun, a representative of Chinese artists, and received a written gift from His Excellency Han Shengxuan.
In March 2019, His Majesty Prince Wangchai of Thailand presented the King of Thailand Medal to the calligrapher Mr. Liu Jun and the honorary title of “Belt and Road Art Ambassador” in Bangkok, Thailand.
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