董宝宏,字丰源,号水墨黄河,男,汉族,著名黄河画家,1963年生于洛阳。研修于清华美院,一级美术师。现为人民艺术家书画院副院长, 中国企业报道艺术资本理事会副主席。近作《黄河交响曲》被人民大会堂永久收藏。2012年中国文化产业促进会授予他“中国创新书画艺术家”荣誉称号。2015年评为全国百位优秀人民书画家。
Dong Baohong, a famous Yellow River painter, was born in Luoyang in 1963. Studied in Tsinghua Academy of fine arts, first class artist. Now, he is vice president of the people's art family calligraphy and painting academy and vice president of China enterprise report art capital Council. The recent work symphony of the Yellow River has been permanently collected in the Great Hall of the people. In 2012, he was awarded the honorary title of "Chinese innovative calligraphy and painting artist" by China Cultural Industry Promotion Association. In 2015, he was named one hundred outstanding people's calligraphers and painters.
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